Class Structure and Organisation
Students are placed into classes each year with a great deal of care and consideration. A range of factors are considered including ensuring each class has students with a mix of abilities and interests. Students are clustered into ability groups within each class so that learning programs can be adjusted for each group within the class to cater expertly for the learning needs of all students.
The school adheres closely to the department’s class size policy and where possible ensures classes are as small as possible. Class sizes are as follows:
Kindergarten – 20 students or less
Year 1 – 22 students or less
Year 2 – 24 students or less
Years 3-6 – 30 students or less
Generally classes are groups of children who are of the same age. Occasionally classes are formed where children of differing age groups are together. These are referred to as composite, multi-age or stage classes. It is always the aim to place children’s needs first and classes are formed to best meet students’ needs. The key to understanding staged-based classes is realising that growth is determined in stages and not magically by ages. In the classroom, students are grouped according to their progress rather than their school chronological year. The NSW curriculum is organised by learning stages which equate to year levels as follows:
Early Stage 1 – Kindergarten
Stage 1 - Years 1 and 2
Stage 2 - Years 3 and 4
Stage 3 - Years 5 and 6
No ‘one’ group is seen to be disadvantaged – all classes in each stage will be given the same opportunities, expectations and strategies. It acknowledges that there are significant individual differences in each child to be addressed regardless of age. The formation of classes can reflect and cater for these individual differences. This multi-age philosophy places each learner at the centre of the considerations of curriculum and classroom practice. Children are able to progress at their own rate without regard for restrictive ‘grade’ expectations. Research has shown that children become more confident, can operate better as part of a group, are more assertive, become more independent learners and better problem-solvers. They also make friends outside of their standard age-groups, develop tolerance & diversity.
All staff at Beauty Point Public School are qualified to teach Years K-6 and so from year to year are assigned to different year levels. This is done to provide the best educational opportunities for students.
Teacher Release Program (RFF)
Every teacher is entitled to two hours ‘release from face to face teaching’ (RFF) each week for preparation, planning, marking student work and attending meetings. This time is provided by an RFF teacher and also through library lessons. The RFF program focus changes from year to year according to school priorities but currently includes Sport, Music and Technology/Coding. This program provides all students with the opportunity to work with a range of teachers each week.