Beauty Point Public School

Respect, Responsibility and Personal Best

Telephone02 9969 4260


Beauty Point Public School Parents & Citizens Association (P&C)

Beauty Point Public School has a very active and involved community, encompassing parents, grandparents, carers and the local community.  We provide many and varied opportunities for our community to be involved with the school via the P&C.

Ways to get involved:

Parents, carers and relatives are encouraged to participate in the daily happenings of Beauty Point Public School.  There are a variety of ways to do this – and if you can contribute in other ways, we would love to hear from you!

  • Joining the P&C for voting rights at P&C meetings regarding allocation of funds and decisions impacting our school
  • Attending P&C meetings
  • Volunteering on P&C committees including event coordination and Beauty Point Band
  • Volunteering as Class Parent to act as liaison between your child’s class teacher and other parents
  • Assisting in the classroom with reading, computers, art or other specialist ways (this can be a regular commitment or ad hoc)
  • Accompanying classes on excursions
  • Environmental Committee
  • Joining other committees and working groups to work on specialist projects
  • Volunteering for distribution of lunch orders in the canteen (Monday, Wednesday, Thursday)
  • Second hand uniform shop

Parents and Citizens Association (P&C)

2025 meetings:

Term 1:

Monday 17 February  - General Meeting

Monday 24 March  - AGM and General Meeting

Term 2:

Monday 12 May - General Meeting

Monday 23 June  - General Meeting

Term 3:

Monday 28 July - General Meeting

Monday 8 September - General Meeting

Term 4:

Monday 20 October - General Meeting

Monday 2 December - General Meeting and Thank You Night

The P&C meets in the staffroom/library at 6.00pm. An agenda for this meeting is distributed at least 24 hours prior to the meeting.

Meetings often involve a robust discussion around issues and opportunities for the school, as well as updates from the Principal and sub-committees. 

The P&C’s main function at Beauty Point Public School is to raise funds to donate to the school for the benefit of our children and staff of the school.

The main fundraising events held each year are

  • School Carnival (usually May)
  • Major Fundraising Dinner (usually August)

Major Fundraiser is organised each year by parents in Year 2 and raises the bulk of all funds for the P&C.  Each year the event has a theme – 2024 was 'BP-chella'  and it involves a dinner, auction, dancing and a LOT of fun!

In addition, other events that are less focussed on fundraising and more about the school community are

  • Grandparents Day Morning Tea
  • Mother’s Day stall
  • Father’s Day activities
  • Camp Wolstoncroft Father / Child camp (years 3-6)
  • School Disco
  • Pizza fays
  • Cupcake and Doughnut days
  • Movie events
  • School disco

What the funds are used for:

Historically the P&C will fund specific requests from the school to ensure we are up to date with other schools both public and private in our area.  Each year the P&C commits to funding any additional Learning and Support Resources not provided by the Department of Education.  In addition, in recent years we have funded;

  • New interactive SmartBoards for every classroom in the school
  • Upgraded playground equipment
  •  Air conditioning for all classrooms
  • iPads (and previously laptops)
  • Curriculum resources including home readers, STEM, and robotics

P&C Executive:

President:                              Laura McNally

Vice Presidents:                    Alex Buckley

Treasurer:                              Xian Low (Lowy)

Secretaries:                            Jane Shaw and Jane Bradley

Non-executive roles:

Senior & Junior Band            Aldana Antonozzi

Environment & Sustainability           Tamra Laver and Caroline Deane 

Second Hand Uniform          Giorgia Ruscelli

Year Group Rep Coordinator